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Michael Mayr, DMD

Michael Mayr, DMD, Region 5 Trustee.

Michal Mayr, DMD, Massachusetts Dental Society Region 5 Trustee. Known by friends as a jack of all trades because he loves to dabble in so many things, Mike Mayr, DMD, knew he wanted to be a dentist at the ripe age of eight. For him, it was a perfect marriage of art and science, where he could work with his hands and interact with people. A graduate of Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Dr. Mayr is a general dentist in Boston’s South End. 

The Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) was on Dr. Mayr’s radar starting in his second year of dental school as a student liaison sitting on the MDS Membership Committee. From there, Dr. Mayr has held various leadership positions and is currently the Region 5 Trustee representing the Boston and North Metropolitan Districts. The best professional advice he ever received was, “Experience is what you get, when you don’t get what you want.”  This advice has helped guide him as he advances through his career.  

To wind down, Dr. Mayr steps into his garden. Outside is his happy place because each day brings the growth of a new flower or vegetable. If he were not a dentist, he would have spent his days in the garden as a landscape designer. One of Dr. Mayr’s favorite quotes by Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better,” has inspired him to strive to do his best every day and appreciate daily life.

Email Michael Mayr.